Delfin Thirdparty Integration Guide


This document is to help third party clients who wants to integrate Delfin into their Storage Management system


  • To capture changes required by third party softwares to interface with Delfin APIs and use Delfin services to manage heterogeneous storage backends.

Non Goals

  • To document steps for Delfin developer for feature enhancements
  • To document third party driver development (Refer Third party driver development guide) for support more backends


  • Ubuntu 18.04+/Ubuntu 20.04+
  • Python 3.6+
  • Delfin and its dependencies installed
Installation Note:
  • Delfin supports Ansible and Docker based installation for its deployment with all dependencies
  • If external exporter configurations are enabled (Prometheus, Kafka or Aler Manager), SODA Ansible Installer option, ‘SRM_Toolchain’ needs to be enabled for installation of Kafka, Prometheus & Alert Manager tools. Default Delfin installation will not install these exporters


Delfin and its features/services are configured using configuration file <delfin source path>/etc/delfin/delfin.conf.

Important configurations that users want change may be,

  • Database path
  • Enable/Disable metrics exporters
  • IP and Ports of exporters
  • Cryptor used for encrypt sensitive data
  • Certificate file paths to interface with storage backends

A typical configuration contains items listed below

Category Name Default value Description
DEFAULT api_paste_config /etc/delfin/api-paste.ini Python Paste config file
delfin_cryptor delfin.cryptor._Base64 Encryption/Decryption algorithm module to use
api_max_limit 1000 Max API connections
performance_exporters PerformanceExporterPrometheus, PerformanceExporterKafka Uncomment to enable Performance Exporters
alert_exporters AlertExporterPrometheus Uncomment to enable Alert Exporters
database connection sqlite:////var/delfin/delfin.sqlite Database file
db_backend sqlalchemy DB backend module
TELEMETRY performance_collection_interval 900 Metrics collection interval
KAFKA_EXPORTER kafka_topic_name “delfin-kafka” KAFKA topic name
kafka_ip ‘<KAFKA_IP>’ KAFKA installations IP
kafka_port ‘9092’ KAFKA installations PORT
metric_server_port 8195 PROMETHEUS PORT
metrics_cache_file /var/lib/delfin/delfin_exporter.txt Metrics files
PROMETHEUS_ALERT_MANAGER_EXPORTER alert_manager_host ‘<AlertManager_IP>’ Alert Manager IP
alert_manager_port ‘9093’ Alert Manager PORT

Example config file

api_paste_config = /etc/delfin/api-paste.ini
delfin_cryptor = delfin.cryptor._Base64
api_max_limit = 1000
# Uncomment or add exporters
# performance_exporters = PerformanceExporterPrometheus, PerformanceExporterKafka
# alert_exporters = AlertExporterPrometheus

connection = sqlite:////var/delfin.sqlite
db_backend = sqlalchemy

performance_collection_interval = 900

kafka_topic_name = "delfin-kafka"
kafka_ip = '<Delfin_IP>'
kafka_port = '9092'

metric_server_ip =
metric_server_port = 8195
metrics_cache_file = /var/lib/delfin/delfin_exporter.txt

alert_manager_host = '<Delfin_IP>'
alert_manager_port = '9093'

Delfin APIs and Usage

Detailed specification of REST APIs, Schemas and Requests/Responses are provided in the OpenAPI Spec

Here we are listing example CURL requests

Register Storage

Backend storage needs to be registered with Delfin for it to be managed. Delfin should be able to access backend storage using the information provided in the registration.

curl -X POST \
http://<Delfin_IP>:8190/v1/storages \
  -H 'content-type: application/json' \
  -d '{
  "rest": {

Delete Storage

Backend storage can be removed from management by Delfin using delete API.

curl -X DELETE \

Get storages

All Delfin registered storages details may be queried using this API

curl -X GET \

Get specific storage

Specific backend storage details can be retrieved using this API

curl -X GET \

Update access info

If backend access information is changed, it can be updated to Delfin through this API

curl -X PUT \
http://<Delfin_IP>:8190/v1/storages/<storage_id>/access-info \
  -H 'content-type: application/json' \
  -d '{
  "rest": {
    "host": "",
    "port": 8008,
    "username": "admin",
    "password": "string"

Get Access_info

Current access information details of a storage can be retrieved using this API

curl -X GET \

Configure alert-source

Configure an alert source for the storage using this API

curl -X PUT \ http://<Delfin_IP>:8190/v1/storages/<storage_id>/alert-source \
 -H 'content-type: application/json' \
 -d '{
  "version": "SNMPV2C",
  "community_string": "string",
  "username": "string",
  "engine_id": "string",
  "security_level": "noAuthnoPriv",
  "auth_protocol": "MD5",
  "auth_key": "string",
  "privacy_protocol": "DES",
  "privacy_key": "string",
  "host": "",
  "context_name": "New Context",
  "retry_num": 2,
  "expiration": 60,
  "port": 20162

Get alert source

Current alert source information details of a storage can be retrieved using this API

curl -X GET \  http://<Delfin_IP>:8190/v1/storages/<storage_id>/alert-source

Delete alert source

Delete the configured alert source information from the storage

curl -X DELETE \


Lists all alerts in the storage from the specified interval

curl -X POST \
http://<Delfin_IP>:8190/v1/storages/<storage_id>/alerts -H 'content-type: application/json' \
-d '{
  "begin_time": "13577777777777766",
  "end_time": "13577777777777776"

Delete Alerts

Delete the specified alert from backend storage.

curl -X DELETE \


Syncs resources information from specified backend storage to Delfin

curl -X POST \ http://<Delfin_IP>:8190/v1/storages/<storage_id>/sync

Sync all storages

Syncs resources information from all backend storages to Delfin

curl -X POST \

Get resources

Get resources (resources are, storage_pools, volumes, controllers, ports, disks) details from all the backend storages registered with Delfin. Example below shows getting disks resource details

curl -X GET \

Get specific resource

Get resources (resources are, storage_pools, volumes, controllers, ports, disks) details from specified backend storages registered with Delfin. Example below shows getting disks resource details

curl -X GET \

Performance collection

After successful registration of a storage Delfin will automatically starts performance metrics collection. Delfin framework will call driver interface to get the capabilities of the storage for supported metrics. Delfin framework periodically call driver interface of collect metrics for performance metrics. Performance metrics collection interval can be configured from delfin configuration file as above.

Security & Certificates

The backends may support secure access, using SSL/TLS certificates.

Delfin drivers support specifying a certificate file or root certificate path while accessing backend storage. Also, Delfin drivers support reloading of certificate files if enabled, for supporting certificate expiry.

The file ‘delfin/’, has needed function prototypes that may be customized for the clients platform requirements.


Delfin supports custom exporters for metrics and resources so that the client platform can integrate and utilize Delfin features easily.

A Sample exporter implementation is provided in Delfin repo for reference. Also, documentation for writing custom exporters is provided below.
