Multi-cloud Local Cluster Installation using Ansible

This document describes how to install SODA Multi-cloud project in a local cluster using Ansible. These steps will help you to install / uninstall Multi-Cloud project. After installation using these steps, you can test either through SODA Dashboard UI or CLI.

Ubuntu 16.04 support for SODA is deprecated as of SODA Jerba release v1.4.0.
If you have a requirement to install SODA on Ubuntu 16.04, please contact us on slack and we will try to help with the setup.

Ubuntu 20.04 support for SODA is added as experimental in Lamu v1.6.0 release through branch ubuntu2004-experimental.
If you have a requirement to install SODA on Ubuntu 20.04, please refer or contact us on slack and we will try to help with the setup.


  • SODA installation is tested on Ubuntu 18.04.
  • root user is REQUIRED before the installation work starts.

Install following packages:

apt-get update && apt-get install -y git make curl wget libltdl7 libseccomp2 libffi-dev gawk

Install docker:

For Ubuntu 18.04
dpkg -i docker-ce_18.06.1~ce~3-0~ubuntu_amd64.deb

Install docker-compose:

curl -L "$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose

Install golang

golang 1.13.x is supported. To install golang 1.13.9, please follow these steps

tar -C /usr/local -xzf go1.13.9.linux-amd64.tar.gz
echo 'export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin' >> /etc/profile
echo 'export GOPATH=$HOME/gopath' >> /etc/profile
source /etc/profile

Check if golang exists

go version

Download SODA Installer code

git clone
cd installer/ansible
# Checkout the required version. For example, to checkout v1.6.0 follow
git checkout v1.6.0

Checkout the latest stable release. Current stable release: Lamu (v1.6.0). If you want to get the master branch of all components, you can skip this step. (Master may not be stable or tested fully)

Install ansible

This step is needed to install ansible version 2.5.1 for Ubuntu 18.04 which is required for the “include_tasks” ansible command.

chmod +x ./ && ./
ansible --version # Ensure Ansible version 2.5.1 for Ubuntu 18.04.

Configure SODA Multi-cloud installer and environment variables

A SODA release consists of various projects which have their own release cycles and versions. To install SODA multi-cloud, the following variables have to be enabled in the respective files as below:

Set Host IP address

Set the environment variable HOST_IP by using the steps below.

export HOST_IP={your_real_host_ip}
echo $HOST_IP 

In the SODA Installer, modify host_ip in group_vars/common.yml and change it to the actual machine IP of the host.
By default the host_ip is set to i.e. localhost.

# This field indicates local machine host ip

Select SODA Multi-cloud Project to install

In the same group_vars/common.yml file, modify the deploy_project variable to select the multi-cloud project to install.

# This field indicates which project should be deploy
# 'hotpot', 'gelato' or 'all'
deploy_project: 'gelato' # 'gelato' for multi-cloud

Install SODA

Run SODA installer ansible playbook to start the deployment

Check if the hosts can be reached

ansible all -m ping -i local.hosts
ansible-playbook site.yml -i local.hosts
# You can use the -vvv or -vv option to enable verbose display and debug mode.
[verbosity level: -vv < -vvv]
ansible-playbook site.yml -i local.hosts -vvv

SODA Dashboard UI

SODA Dashboard UI is available at http://{your_host_ip}:8088, please login to the dashboard using the default admin credentials: admin/opensds@123.

Things to Note

To use the multicloud service, an AK/SK must be generated before anything else. To do this you can follow the steps below:

  1. Go to AK/SK Management
  2. Click on Add AK/SK button.
  3. Save the file (Do not forget to save this file and keep it safe.)

How to uninstall SODA including purge and clean

Run SODA installer ansible playbook to clean the environment

ansible-playbook clean.yml -i local.hosts
# You can use the -vvv option to enable verbose display and debug mode.
ansible-playbook clean.yml -i local.hosts -vvv