Model and Management software versions supported

Models Management Software Versions
VMAX 250F, VMAX 450F, VMAX 850F, VMAX 950F, VMAX 100K, VMAX 200K,VMAX 400K Unisphere 9.0 or later

Access information to register storage device

Access Type Attributes Additional information
REST Host Unishpere host name
Port Unisphere port name
Username Username
Password Password

Alert management information

SNMP trap processing Supported
Query backend alert Supported
Clear backend alert Supported
SNMP versions for trap V1
SNMP trap source Solution Enabler
Query alert source Unisphere

Resource data matrix

Resource Attribute Additional information
Pool Id Delfin system resource id for pool
Name Name
Storage Id Id generated by delfin to identify the storage device
Storage Pool Id It is actual storage pool(storage resource pool) name which is received from backend
Storage Type Type of storage. Ex: Block, file, hybrid
Description Description
Status Status of the pool. Ex: available
Total Capacity SRP(Storage resource pool) usable total capacity(TB)
Used Capacity SRP usable used capacity(bytes)
Free Capacity Total-Used capacity of SRP(bytes)
Volume Id Delfin system resource id for volume
Name Volume Name
Storage Id Id generated by delfin to identify the storage device
Volume Id Actual volume id received from backend drivers
Description Description
Type Logical Type. Ex:Thin or Thick
Status Status
Total Capacity Volume total capacity(bytes)
Used Capacity LUN used capacity(bytes)
Free Capacity LUN free capacity(bytes)
Device Name Device Name
Vendor Vendor
Description Device Description
Model Device Model
Firmware version Firmware version
Status It shows availability of device ex: offline, normal etc.
Serial Number It is VMAX array id
Location Device Location, is name-value pair having component type and component name
Total Capacity System capacity
Used Capacity Total used capacity
Free Capacity Total free capacity
Raw Capacity Raw capacity(sum of all disks capacity)
Subscribed Capacity Total amount of capacity subscribed(bytes)

Alert data matrix

Attribute Additional information
Alert id Identification of alarm.
Alert name Name of the alarm
Severity Severity of the alarm
Category Category of the reported alarm notification. Ex: Fault, Event or Recovery
Type Basic classification of the alarm. Ex:CommunicationsAlarm, EquipmentAlarm
Sequence number Unique identification for the alert instance
Occur time Time at which alert is generated from device. Specified in epoch format
Description Alarm Description
Recovery advice This field does not contain any info. However description field may contain some recovery advice in some cases.
Resource type Resource type for alert which can be storage subsystem or some other subsystems
Location Detailed info about tracing the alerting device such as array id, component name, component type

Performance metrics matrix

Resource Metric Additional information
Device throughput Represents how much data is successfully transferred in MB/s"
readThroughput Represents how much data read is successfully transferred in MB/s
writeThroughput Represents how much data write is successfully transferred in MB/s
responseTime Average time taken for an IO operation in ms"
requests Input/output operations per second (IOPS)
readRequests Read requests per second (IOPS)
writeRequests Write requests per second (IOPS)